Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Hurricanes of Life

This week we went through preparation for what we anticipated to be Hurricane Fay. For those that have watched the news and weather this week, you will know that she never materialized, at least not here in Tampa as a Hurricane.

I was sharing with some visitors to Florida this week who were fearful about the potential hurricane, that palm trees bend with the wind, instead of being broken like some other types of trees, which then become a wind hazard.

Frequently we spend time preparing for the hurricanes of life, looking at what might be, what could be, instead of what is. We worry about what might get broken, instead of standing firm, like a palm tree does in the wind.

Psalm 16:8 (New International Version) says:

8 I have set the LORD always before me.
Because he is at my right hand,
I will not be shaken.

Through the hurricanes of my life, I choose to bend, not break and to not be shaken, because my God is at my right hand.


Monday, August 11, 2008


You've been there. Someone tells you that they have a surprise and asks you to close your eyes. Or they put their hands over your eyes, get you to move within view of what they have for you to see and then they take their hands off of your eyes and show it to you. That moment holds great delight for both of you. Quite often there was a lot of planning behind getting things in place, or even keeping it a secret.

Some of you like surprises, others can't stand not knowing and rather than the smile you see here on the man's face, it actually makes you terribly uncomfortable, particularly when someone else is guiding you along when your eyes are closed.

Faith should be a delight, just like what you see on these two faces.

Today I feel like God is the one with the surprise. He has something that he is maneuvering me over to see. I can feel his hands over my eyes and can sense his gentle nudging in the direction that he has for me.

It is easy to revert to feeling uncomfortable, even manipulated or kept in the dark, but I know Him so well that I know that what He has for me is not only good, but that I will truly delight in the unveiling of what he has prepared for me.

waiting, with a smile on my face and his hands over my eyes.....

Chicke Fitzgerald

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Fireproof - the Movie

A friend sent me the link to this trailer today. Very powerful stuff. There are a couple of things here. One, putting yourself in a place where for a period of 40 days, you take one step at a time toward something you see as impossible. Then, asking for God's help to get you the rest of the way.

My marriage doesn't need help, but I can see that this same principle will move mountains in other areas of my life. Do you have anything in your life that seems impossible right now?

Check out the trailer. And mark Fireproof on your calendar. It will be out September 26th.

Chicke Fitzgerald